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Import Polling @ McGill participation results into myCourses

 Slido is the Polling @ McGill tool. You can create a participation report based on your Slido event and upload the results into the Grades tool in myCourses. This article lists two ways of importing participation results from Slido into myCourses using either the Joined participants data or Poll results per user data.

Both methods follow the general steps below:

  1. Export your class list from myCourses

  2. Download your Slido participation results.

  3. Merge the myCourses classlist and the Slido participation results into the corresponding Excel template (automatically calculating participation).

  4. Save and import to myCourses.

Export participation data from Slido

  1. Select your Slido Event.

  2. Go to the Analytics tab.

  3. Click Export.

  4. Click Download exports.

  5. There are two sets of data you may want to download from Slido: 

    1. Select Joined participants to get a list of students that joined the Slido event.

    2. Select Poll results per user to get the responses from each participant to Polls and Quizzes for the Slido event.

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Export classlist from myCourses

  1. On the Course Home, click Grades on your navigation bar.

  2. On the Enter Grades page, click Export.

  3. Under Key Field, select both.

  4. Under User Details, select Email.

  5. Under Choose Grades to Export, ensure no Grade item is selected.

  6. Click Export to CSV.

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Import results into myCourses (joined participants)

The steps below explain how to use the provided Excel template to pull participation results from Slido and import them into myCourses using the Joined participants list from Slido. 

  1. Export your classlist from myCourses.

  2. Open the Excel template.

    1. The Excel template has four sheets: Instructions, Slido Export, myCourses Classlist, myCourses Grades.

  3. Copy the OrgDefinedID, Username and Email columns from your classlist (including the headers) into the top-left corner of the myCourses Classlist.

  4. Copy the Joined participants list into the top-left corner of the Slido Export sheet.

  5. In the myCourses Classlist sheet, drag down the formula in the Participation Points Grade and the End-of-Line Indicator columns to apply it to all rows of your classlist.

  6. Copy the values from the myCourses Classlist sheet columns (including the headers) into the myCourses Grade sheet.

    1. Optional: If importing multiple polling sessions repeat steps 4 and 5 for each additional polling session, copying the Participation Points Grade column into a new column in the myCourses Grade sheet before the End-of-Line Indicator column.

  7. Go to the myCourses Grade sheet.

  8. Save the spreadsheet as an MS-DOS .csv (Comma delimited) file and confirm that you want to keep the file format.

  9. Follow these instructions for importing a spreadsheet into myCourses.

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Import results into myCourses (poll results per user)

Watch the tutorial for importing participation data from Slido into myCourses provided by McGill’s Teaching and Learning Services.

The steps below explain how to use the provided Excel template to pull participation results from Slido and import them into myCourses using Poll results per user list from Slido. 

  1. Export your classlist from myCourses.

  2. Open the Excel template.

    1. The Excel template has four sheets: Instructions, Slido Export, myCourses Classlist, myCourses Grades.

  3. Optional - Change the minimum participation by going to cell C24  in the Instructions sheet and changing the percentage. By default it is 70%

  4. Copy the OrgDefinedID, Username and Email columns from your classlist (including the headers) into the top-left corner of the myCourses Classlist.

  5. Copy the Poll results per user list into the top-left corner of the Slido Export sheet.

  6. In the myCourses Classlist sheet, drag down the formula in the Participation Points Grade and the End-of-Line Indicator columns to apply it to all rows of your classlist.

  7. Copy the values OrgDefined ID, Participation Points Grade, and the End-of-Line Indicator columns (including the headers) into the myCourses Grade sheet.

    1. Optional: If importing multiple polling sessions repeat steps 5 and 6 for each additional polling session, copying the Participation Points Grade column into a new column in the myCourses Grade sheet before the End-of-Line Indicator column.

  8. Go to the myCourses Grade sheet.

  9. Save the spreadsheet as an MS-DOS .csv (Comma delimited) file and confirm that you want to keep the file format.

  10. Follow these instructions for importing a spreadsheet into myCourses.

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While this resource is accessible worldwide, McGill University is on land which has served and continues to serve as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. Teaching and Learning Services acknowledges and thanks the diverse Indigenous peoples whose footsteps mark this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. This land acknowledgment is shared as a starting point to provide context for further learning and action.


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