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Grade quizzes in myCourses

All question types are graded automatically in myCourses except Written response questions. Students will receive zero for these questions until they are graded manually.

Pending evaluation status will appear besides quiz attempts that require manual grading on the Grade quiz page. 

If you need to grade (or regrade) any other question type, such as True/False or Multiple Choice, after students have taken a quiz, see Edit, regrade, and delete quiz questions in myCourses.

Grade by question

This option allows you to grade all students' responses for a single question.

  1. On the main Quizzes page, click the arrow beside the quiz and select Grade.

  2. Click the Questions tab.

  3. Select the radio button beside Grade individual responses. You can also select/deselect either of the following options:

    • View evaluated responses: Deselect this checkbox to see only the responses you have not yet graded.

    • Hide learners’ names: Select this checkbox to hide students' names when grading.

  4. Click on the title of the question to grade.

  5. Grade your students' responses:

    1. Enter a numeric Score.

    2. (Optional) Click Expand question feedback to enter comments for the student.

    3. Click Save and continue to go to the next student who attempted the question.

    4. Repeat for all students.

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Grade by attempts

This option allows you to view an entire quiz attempt, to grade more than one question manually for an individual student. This may be useful if you have a quiz with multiple Written Response questions.

  1. On the main Quizzes page, click the arrow beside the quiz and select Grade.

  2. Click on a student's attempt number.

  3. Grade the student's attempt:

    1. Scroll to the question(s) you wish to grade manually.

      When grading a quiz attempt, you can filter only the questions that require manual evaluation.  In the Question View drop-down menu select Pending Evaluations.

    2. Enter the Score.

    3. (Optional) Click Expand question feedback to enter comments for the student.

    4. Click Publish to post the grade or Save draft to save the score.

    5. Click the arrow at the top of the page to go back to the Attempts page.

    6. Repeat for all attempts.

To discard any changes made when evaluating click on Reset evaluation. This will also remove all manual scores and question feedback.

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Export quiz scores to the grade book

If the scores from your quiz were not automatically exported to the Grades tool, you must make sure there is a grade item associated with the quiz and then export the scores manually.

  1. Make sure the quiz is associated with a Grade Item:

    1. On the main Quizzes page, click the name of the quiz.

    2. Make sure there is a Grade Item selected for your quiz. If not, click the In Gradebook drop-down menu and click Edit or Link to Existing.

    3. Click Save.

  2. Mark the attempts as Published to Export the scores:

    1. On the main Quizzes page, click the arrow beside the name of the quiz and select Grade.

    2. From the Users tab, click the checkbox beside the First Name column to select and publish all attempts, or click to add a checkbox next to specific students to select their attempts.

    3. Click Publish Feedback to publish the grade and related comments.

    4. Repeat for any additional pages of students.

You can use Retract feedback to cancel published feedback.

If you select the check boxes Synchronize to grade book and Auto-publish attempt results immediately upon completion when you set up the quiz, scores will be exported to the Grades tool automatically after students complete the quiz. Any ungraded written response questions remain as pending evaluation until the instructor manually grades them.

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Release quiz feedback to students

If you entered comments for students, you must set up a Submission view for the quiz to allow students to see the feedback. See Release quiz answers to students for more information.

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New quiz evaluation experience

Enabling the new quiz evaluation experience provides you with new layout and expanded functionality while you grade quizzes. The new layout divides the quiz evaluation screen into two panels.

  1. On the left panel, you may:

    1. View submission details and quiz results.

    2. Click the Filter drop-down menu to filter for questions that are Pending evaluation or Retaken questions only.

  2. On the right panel, you may:

    1. Enter, review, or edit the grade and feedback for the quiz attempt.

    2. Click the Evaluations Options drop-down menu to access quiz management functions such as Edit Quiz, Preview Quiz, Reset Evaluation, and Quizzes Event Log.

To enable the new quiz evaluation experience:

  1. On the main Quizzes page, click the arrow beside the quiz and select Grade.

  2. From the Grade Quiz page, click a quiz Attempt to open and evaluate it.

  3. Click on the down arrow at the top right of the page to expand the new quiz evaluation experience dialogue box.

  1. Click the Turn it on button.

The new quiz evaluation experience does not currently support matching, ordering, arithmetic, significant figures, and multi-short answer question types. If you attempt to grade these questions while using the new experience, you will be presented with a warning and provided with a link the “classic” experience.

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While this resource is accessible worldwide, McGill University is on land which has served and continues to serve as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. Teaching and Learning Services acknowledges and thanks the diverse Indigenous peoples whose footsteps mark this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. This land acknowledgment is shared as a starting point to provide context for further learning and action.


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