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Release quiz answers to students in myCourses

You can release answers to student manually or automatically. Also, you can decide if answers are released immediately after the quiz or delay the release of the answers.

In this article:

Enable a quiz to show its answer page (publishing quiz attempts)

Quiz attempts must be marked as Published to allow students to see the Submission page with the scores, answers, and feedback.

Automatically publish quiz attempts

  1. On the main Quizzes page, click the name of a quiz.

  2. On the right-hand menu, click Evaluation & feedback.

  3. Select the checkbox beside Auto-publish attempt results immediately upon completion.

  4. Click Save.

This will allow all students to see their graded answers and scores immediately after submitting a quiz.

Manually publish quiz attempts

  1. On the main Quizzes page, click the arrow beside the name of the quiz and select Grade.

  2. From the Users tab, check the box at the top of the list beside the First name column to publish the grade for all of the students' quiz attempts OR individually check the box next to the names of specific students and check the box next to each quiz attempt you want to publish.

  3. Click Publish feedback to publish the grades selected on that page. 

  4. Repeat for any additional pages of students.

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Enable a quiz’s answer page to show the answers (setting up Quiz Results Displays) 

The Primary view is the page that students will see immediately after completing a quiz. This page shows no answers by default. You can set up the Primary view to show the answers to a student immediately after they complete the quiz or you can set up an Additional view to release answers to students at a later date after all students have taken the quiz.

Release quiz answers immediately (use the primary view)

  1. On the main Quizzes page, click the name of the quiz.

  2. On the right-hand menu click Evaluation & feedback.

  3. Click Customize quiz results display.

  4. Click Edit view.

  5. In the drop-down menu below Questions, select All questions. 

  6. Select the checkbox beside Show the correct answers to the displayed questions.

  7. Click Save.

Delay the release of quiz answers or limit the duration of the view (use an additional view)

  1. On the main Quizzes page, click the name of the quiz.

  2. On the right-hand menu click Evaluation & feedback.

  3. Click on Customize quiz results display.

  4. Click Additional view.

  5. Select a date and enter a time to release the quiz answers.

  6. Check of the limited duration box if you would like to limit the time for which this view is enabled. Enter the minutes using the box.

  7. Under the Questions section:

    1. In the drop-down menu select All questions. 

    2. Select the checkbox beside Show the correct answers to the displayed questions.

    3. Click Save.

  8. Click Save.

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Additional view option details

Navigate to the additional view options

  1. On the main Quizzes page, click the name of the quiz.

  2. On the right-hand menu, click Evaluation & feedback.

  3. Click on Customize quiz results display.

  4. Click Additional view.

Additional view option details are defined below.

View properties

  • Message: Enter a message that will appear to students on the Submissions page.

  • Grade:

    • Display attempt grade for evaluated questions: Select this checkbox to show students their score on the Submissions page.

      The score that is displayed only includes what the system can auto-grade.

  • Statistics:

    • Show class average: Show the class average for the quiz on the Submissions page.

    • Show score distribution: Display a bar graph showing the distribution of the scores for the quiz on the Submissions page.

  • Questions:

    • Drop-down menu:

    • Select All questions, Incorrect questions only with learner's response, or Correct questions only with learner's responses to show all the quiz questions; and select the options below to further indicate which questions and answers will be shown:

      • Show the correct answers to the displayed questions: Select this checkbox to let students see the correct answers.

      • Show the learner's responses to the displayed questions: Show all questions and the student’s responses. This option also shows the feedback that you entered when you created the question.
        Students will only see the feedback for each question if you enable this option

      • Show the learner's grade for the displayed questions (All questions only): Select this checkbox to show students the score for each question.

      • Show the standards for the displayed questions: Select this checkbox to show the standards for each question.

      • Select Don't show if you do not want students to see the quiz questions on the Submissions page. This is the default option and may be desirable if you want to use quiz questions again for future quizzes.

Additional views properties

  • Display date: Select a date to release the Submissions page.

  • Restrict access to this view to:

    • A specific attempt: (new submission view for a quiz allowing 2-10 attempts only) Select the number of an attempt to release the Submissions page only for that attempt.
      For example, you may only want students to see the answers and/or feedback after their first or second attempt.

    • A specific grade range achieved: Click this box to only release the additional view for a specific grade range.

      • Min score: (New submission view for a quiz allowing 2-10 Attempts only) Enter a minimum percentage score that students must achieve to view the Submissions page.

      • Max score: (New submission view for a quiz allowing 2-10 Attempts only) Enter a maximum score beyond which students will not be able to view the Submissions page.
        For example, if you enter 90, students who achieve above 90 will not be able to see the Submissions page.

  • Limited duration: Enter the number of minutes that the quiz answers will be available after the quiz is submitted.

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View quiz answers as a student

After a quiz is marked as Published and the Submission view is enabled, students can access the Submissions page to see their scores or the answers to the quiz.

  1. On the main Quizzes page, click the arrow beside the name of the quiz and select Submissions.

  2. If there is more than one quiz attempt, click on the Attempt number links at the top of the page to view each attempt.

  3. Click View feedback to show instructor feedback for each question.

This is what the student would see if you elected to show all questions, user responses, question answers, attempt score and overall attempt score:


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While this resource is accessible worldwide, McGill University is on land which has served and continues to serve as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. Teaching and Learning Services acknowledges and thanks the diverse Indigenous peoples whose footsteps mark this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. This land acknowledgment is shared as a starting point to provide context for further learning and action.


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