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Enable the Lecture Recording System (classroom capture) in myCourses

In this article:

Lecture recording-equipped classrooms

Some classrooms are equipped with McGill's Lecture Recording System (LRS). If your course is given in a lecture recording-equipped classroom, you can have your lectures recorded for your students. You can view which classrooms are equipped with the LRS via the following Excel document. You can check the technical set-up and connections in any audiovisual-equipped classroom via the classroom AV tool (McGill log-in is required).

The lecture recordings procedure described below is only required for lecture recording-equipped classrooms. You do not need to follow this procedure to record sessions using Zoom.

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Enable lecture recordings in your course

In order for you and your students to access lecture recordings, your course’s navigation bar must contain the Lecture Recordings tool. You only need to add this link this once; when your course is copied to a new term, the lecture recordings link should automatically transfer. If it does not appear, repeat the below steps to add the link.

The lecture recordings link allows students to view your lecture recordings and provides you with the Tools interface to upload recordings and change course settings

  1. On the Course Home page, select Course Admin and then Navigation & Themes.

  2. From the Active Navbar drop-down list at the top of the page, select McGill Course Home + Lecture Recordings (or, if you copied components from a past course in which you already added the Lecture Recordings link, you may select the Navigation Bar from that course). 

  3. Select Apply.

    lrs navbar

The first time that you access the Lecture Recordings tool will activate this pop-up:

You can choose to enable or disable two options under Publishing settings:

  • Publish as enabled: If unchecked, your recordings will be disabled by default. You will have to manually enable recordings to make them visible to students. If checked, your recordings will be automatically published and accessible in the Lecture Recordings tool.

  • Enabled automatic classroom capture: If unchecked, your in-class lectures will not be recorded by the Lecture Recording System. If checked, your lectures will be recorded if they take place in a lecture recording-equipped classroom. 

This pop-up will appear until three recordings have been added to your Lecture Recordings tool. However, the Publishing settings are always available in Lecture Recording ToolsCourse Settings

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View the lecture recording schedule

You will see a View scheduled recordings button on the above pop-up if you are teaching in a lecture recording-equipped classroom. Click this button to navigate to your recording schedule. This will display your recorded events (recurring and one-time bookings) or indicate that your recordings are disabled. 

Your recording schedule is based on the schedule in Banner. If you change classrooms or time slots or require additional slots, contact your department administrator(s) and ensure that this change is also reflected in Banner.

This screenshot shows an example schedule for a class that meets twice a week (TR 9:00 am - 12:00 pm) with the Lecture Recording System enabled (enabled automatic classroom capture was selected in Publishing settings):

If you are not teaching in a lecture recording-equipped classroom, the above pop-up will say Automatic classroom recording not available in scheduled room. See the Record in-person activities in rooms without the Lecture Recording System article for alternate solutions.

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While this resource is accessible worldwide, McGill University is on land which has served and continues to serve as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. Teaching and Learning Services acknowledges and thanks the diverse Indigenous peoples whose footsteps mark this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. This land acknowledgment is shared as a starting point to provide context for further learning and action.


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