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Monitor quiz attempts in myCourses

In this article you can find information about how to monitor quiz attempts in myCourse. This includes the submission of all quiz attempts in progress to allow them to be graded. View a student’s event log to see when they saved their quiz answers, and when their quiz was submitted.

In this article:

View a quiz event log for a student

Some students may inform you that computer issues prevented them from submitting a quiz. To verify the student's quiz status, you can check the student’s quiz attempt log to see when the student started the quiz and saved each answer, and any quiz re-entries made.

  1. On the main Quizzes page, click the arrow beside the quiz and select Attempt logs.

  2. On the Attempt logs page, you have the following filters (to select and deselect them, click on each label, the selected filters text will become blue and underlined):

    1. Quiz entry: Attempts that have been started by students.

    2. Quiz completion: Attempts that have been completed.

    3. Quiz attempt deleted: Attempts that have been deleted.

    4. Quiz attempt restored: Previously deleted quiz attempts that have been restored.

  3. Click the Detailed tab to view all Attempt events for the quiz. Each Attempt has the name of the user who performed the Event. For each Attempt, the Event is described, Modified by notes who performed the event, and Date states when the Event took place.

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Submit a quiz attempt in progress

If students do not click Submit quiz after finishing a quiz, their attempt will be listed as “in progress”. If students cannot submit the attempt themselves, the instructor must submit all attempts in progress to allow them to be graded.

  1. On the main Quizzes page, click the arrow beside the quiz and select Grade.

  2. Select Show search options.

  3. From the Restrict to drop-down list, select Users with attempts in progress.

  4. Enter the student's name or ID, then click the magnifying glass icon beside the Search field.

  5. Click the 

     Enter quiz as user icon beside the (in progress) attempt you want to submit.

  6. In the confirmation pop-up that appears, click Yes.

  7. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Submit quiz.

If there are any unanswered mandatory questions, you must click the links to those questions to return to the quiz and Save answers for them before you can submit.

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Alert students of quiz attempts in progress

You can alert students of quiz attempts in progress and encourage them to submit by disabling the Instant messages and alerts for a quiz. This will disable a student’s messages and updates on the top toolbar until their attempt in progress is submitted.

  1. On the main Quizzes page, click the name of the quiz you want to edit.

  2. Under Timing & display, select the checkbox labeled Disable email, Instant messages, and Alerts within Brightspace. 

  3. Click Save and close.

  4. Repeat for all quizzes, as needed.

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Delete a quiz attempt for a student

If your quiz only allows a limited number of attempts and you would like to allow a student to take the quiz again, you must delete their attempt(s) to effectively “reset” the quiz for them.

  1. On the main Quizzes page, click the arrow beside the quiz and select Grade.

  2. From the Restrict to drop-down list, select All users.

  3. Enter the student’s name in the Search for field and press Enter.

  4. Select the checkbox beside an attempt number.

  5. Click the Reset button with a trash can icon at the top of the list.

  6. In the confirmation pop-up window that appears, click Yes.

If the quiz is still open, the student will be able to take it again.

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Allow a student to retake a closed quiz

If the quiz is closed, you can give a student special access to allow them to access it again.

  1. On the main Quizzes page, click the name of the quiz.

  2. Under Availability dates & conditions click Manage special access.

  3. Choose from the two available options: Allow selected users special access to this quiz or Allow only users with special access to see this quiz.

  4. Click Add users to special access.

  5. Select a new End date to create a new deadline for the student to take the quiz.

  6. Select the checkbox beside the student’s name in the list.

  7. Click Save.

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Restore a deleted quiz attempt for a student

If you have deleted a quiz attempt for a student by mistake, you can now restore that attempt.

  1. On the main quizzes page, click the arrow next to the quiz name and click on Attempt logs.

  2. Click on Quiz attempt deleted

  3. Click Restore beside the attempt you wish to recover.

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While this resource is accessible worldwide, McGill University is on land which has served and continues to serve as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. Teaching and Learning Services acknowledges and thanks the diverse Indigenous peoples whose footsteps mark this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. This land acknowledgment is shared as a starting point to provide context for further learning and action.


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