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Condition types

This table describes Condition types that instructors may select to create a release condition.


Condition type


Completed checklist: Students must view and check all items on a Checklist to access selected content.

Incomplete checklist: Students can access selected content if they have not checked all items on a Checklist.

Completed checklist item: Students must check a specific item on a Checklist to access selected content.

Incomplete checklist item: Students can access selected content if they have not checked a specific item on a Checklist.


Group enrolment: Students must belong to a specific group to access selected content.

Org unit enrolment: Students must be enrolled in a specific course to access selected content.

Section enrolment: Students must be registered for the specified Section of a crosslisted course to access selected content.

Role in current org unit: Students must be Enrolled as (or Not enrolled as) a certain role in the course (e.g., Instructor, Student, Teaching Assistant) to access this item. 

All roles with more permissions than the Student role are configured to ignore release conditions.

Date of enrolment in a current org unit: Students must be registered in the course for the number of days you enter in the Days since enrollment field to access selected content.


Visited content topics: Students must have visited a specific Content item before they can access selected content.

Not visited content topic: Students can access selected content if they have not yet visited a specific Content item.

All content items visited: Students must visit all Content items before they can access selected content.


Posts authored in topic: Students must have authored a certain number of messages in a specific discussion topic to access selected content.

No posts authored in topic: Students can access selected content if they have not yet posted in a specific discussion topic.

Score on associated rubric: Students must achieve a specific level on a rubric associated with a discussion topic to access selected content.


Submission to folder: Students must submit a specific assignment to access selected content.

No submission to folder: Students can access selected content if they have not submitted a specific assignment.

Receive feedback on submission: Students must have received feedback on a specific assignment to access selected content.

Score on associated rubric: Students must achieve a specific level on a rubric associated with an assignment to access selected content.


Grade value on a grade item: Students must have a specified value for a grade to access selected content. Instructors can specify a minimum, maximum, or range score.

No grade received: Students can access selected content if they have not received a grade on a specific Grade Item.

Score on associated rubric: Students must achieve a specific level on a rubric associated with a Grade Item to access selected content.


Score on a quiz: Students must achieve a certain score on a quiz to access selected content.

Completed quiz attempt: Students must have completed a specified number of attempts for a quiz to access selected content.

Score on associated rubric: Students must achieve a specific level on a rubric associated with a quiz to access selected content.

No completed quiz attempt: Students can access selected content if they have not completed a specific quiz.


Completed survey attempt: Students must have completed a specified number of attempts for a survey to access selected content.

No completed survey attempt: Students can access selected content if they have not completed a specific survey.

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While this resource is accessible worldwide, McGill University is on land which has served and continues to serve as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. Teaching and Learning Services acknowledges and thanks the diverse Indigenous peoples whose footsteps mark this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. This land acknowledgment is shared as a starting point to provide context for further learning and action.


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