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Approve, manage, and edit evidence in the Portfolio Tool

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Approve evidence

Once students have submitted evidence, you will see evidence under Approve Evidence on myCourses Portfolio tab. To ensure that evidence collected by students is suitable to add to their portfolios, you can approve evidence before it appears in their portfolios. From the Settings page in the Portfolio tool, you can specify the methods for adding evidence that require your approval, for example, if students are using the My Device mode, you can specify that evidence must be approved by you. For more information, see Define Portfolio class settings. You can review the pending items for each student and approve them one by one. If the evidence isn't suitable to add to the portfolio, click Delete Permanently or provide feedback using comments to revise.

Bulk-approve submissions

You can bulk-approve submissions via the Bulk Actions button. Select Approve All to approve any submissions that are outstanding. Select Categorize All to filter by categories; this is helpful if you want to filter out a specific assignment or topic.

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Manage evidence with categories

The Portfolio tool has the ability to categorize evidence into meaningful groups. You can use it to create categories such as skill or topic and all categories you create across all your classes are visible under one tab.

To add new category in the Portfolio tab:

  1. Select Settings.

2. Scroll to the heading Category Management and enter a category into the “Add a new category ... ” field. Select Save.

Rename and retire categories

To rename a category:

  1. Under the Category Management heading, select the three dots next to the category you want to rename, then select Rename Category.

To retire a category:

  1. Under the Category Management heading, select the three dots next to the category you want to rename, then select Retire Category. This prevents the category from being used with new evidence, though it will not remove existing evidence.

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Manage evidence and reflections

There are numerous ways you can manage your students' evidence. You can:

  • Save evidence to a student’s portfolio.

  • Upload evidence on behalf of a student using the Brightspace Portfolio mobile app.

  • Delete evidence that is poor quality (such as blurry images).

  • Add comments on a student’s work.

  • Categorize evidence with pre-set categories (such as categories that meet learning objectives).

  • Upload additional video or audio evidence.

  • Add text reflections for the student.

  • Delete text reflections.

  • Link to evidence in Google Drive and OneDrive.

Filter classlist by section

Permissions and view access must be set before you or your TA can filter by section. If you only have access to a single section, you will only be able to filter by that section.

The filter by section function is useful if you have a large class split across multiple sections. If your classlist is split into sections, your students will be automatically filtered into their respective section. You can also remove the section filter by selecting All Users.

Filter by evidence

myCourses Portfolio tool includes category filtering options from the Evidence view that allow you to easily find all evidence based on categories. Use categories to organize work submitted by students, such as required areas of study.

  1. On the Portfolio page, select the Evidence view toggle.

  2. Select Filter and then select one or more of the following Evidence filters:

    • With Categories

    • Without Categories

    • Spotlighted

  3. For example: to find evidence in a specific category, click With Categories, and then click the School Categories filter and choose a specific school category.

Delete evidence from a portfolio

In some cases, you may need to delete evidence from a student’s portfolio. Some reasons might be because the student took a poor-quality picture, or because they added unsuitable artifacts for their portfolio.

  1. On the Portfolio page, click the student's portfolio tile.

  2. From the evidence tile, click the ( ... ) Options menu and select Delete.

  3. Click OK.

Download evidence from a portfolio

You can download evidence for offline evaluation.

When downloading image evidence for viewing, the evidence is downloaded in the original file type and resolution. For example, if a student uploads a full resolution JPEG file, the image may adjust size and resolution in the Portfolio viewer; however, an instructor downloading the image downloads a full resolution JPEG file.

  1. On the Portfolio page, click the student's portfolio tile.

  2. Click an evidence tile.

  3. From the evidence tile, click the ( ... ) Options menu and select Download.

Archive evidence

If your course is inactive, the evidence will be automatically be archived to streamline the appearance of a student’s myCourses Portfolio. When a course disappears from the students list of active courses, the course folder and evidence captured within those courses are automatically moved into the archived year. Scenarios for when a course folder might be archived, include:

  • Course is made inactive.

  • Course end date is reached.

  • Student has unenrolled from the course.

  • Course is deleted from myCourses. 

A student's archived evidence can be viewed by those who have access to a student's portfolio. You can leverage this feature to review a student's past evidence of learning and personalize how or what they teach. You can see a student's evidence for courses which you are currently the instructor including archived evidence, regardless of whether you were the instructor of the course or not. You remain unable to see evidence for a student's current courses for which you are not the instructor.

When course evidence is archived, it appears in a folder containing all evidence archived in that calendar year.

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While this resource is accessible worldwide, McGill University is on land which has served and continues to serve as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. Teaching and Learning Services acknowledges and thanks the diverse Indigenous peoples whose footsteps mark this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. This land acknowledgment is shared as a starting point to provide context for further learning and action.


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