View quiz statistics and reports in myCourses
View quiz statistics
On the main Quizzes page, click Statistics at the top of the page.
Click the View drop-down list to view this list By Category or By Availability.
Click on a quiz name to view the Quiz Stats page User Stats tab for that quiz. This page displays the class average, grade distribution graph, and grades for each student.
Click a column heading (First Name, Last Name, or %) to sort the list according to that value.
You can also access the Statistics page for individual quizzes from the main Quizzes page by clicking the arrow beside the name of a quiz and selecting Statistics.
Quiz statistics are not computed for questions in a Question Pool.
View quiz question statistics
From the Quiz Stats page, click the Question Stats tab to see statistics for each question on the quiz.
Click the Question # links to bring up a pop-up window to view the question.
Click the Question Details tab to view statistics for each question, such as the average grade for that question and how many students chose each response.
Click Export to CSV or Export to Excel to save the quiz statistics file on your computer.
Create a quiz report
You may want your students to see how their grades compared to the rest of the class for a specific quiz or question. You can release any of the above Quiz Statistics to your students or teaching assistants using Reports.
On the main Quizzes page, click on the arrow next to the quiz you want to create a Report for.
Click the Setup Reports button.
Click Add Report.
Enter a Report Name.
Select Report Type. The chart below shows what information will be displayed for each type.
Report Type | HTML Report | .csv Report (Columns Exported) | Notes |
Question statistics | Displays a bar graph with the percentage of correct responses for each question, similar to the Question Stats tab on the Quiz Statistics page. | Question #, Question Type, Question Title, Question Text, Bonus?, Difficulty, Average Score, Out Of, %, Standard Deviation, Discrimination Index, Point Biserial, Class Average, Attempts | No identifying information is shown. |
Question details | Displays bar graphs for each question that show the percentage of each response and the Average Grade for each question, similar to the Question Details tab on the Quiz Statistics page. | Section #, Q #, Q Type, Q Title, Q Text, Bonus?, Difficulty, Answer, Answer Match, # Responses, Ave. Score, Out Of, Standard Deviation, Discrimination Index, Point Biserial | No identifying information is shown. |
Users statistics | Displays all students’ percentage scores on the quiz, similar to the User Stats tab on the Quiz Statistics page. | OrgDefinedId (McGill ID), Username, FirstName, LastName, Score, Out Of, %, Class Average |
Attempt details | Displays all students’ entire quiz attempts one after the other, similar to when Grading quizzes by attempt. | OrgDefinedId (McGill ID), Username, FirstName, LastName, Attempt #, Attempt Start, Attempt End, Section #, Q #, Q Type, Q Title, Q Text, Bonus?, Difficulty, Answer, Answer Match, Score, Out Of | The exported spreadsheet for this report is organized into one row per question per student. |
User attempts | Displays a list of attempts by user, when each attempt was made, the scores for each attempt and the percentage achieved, similar to the Users tab of the Grade Quiz page. | OrgDefinedId (McGill ID), UserName, FirstName, LastName, Attempt #, Attempt Start, Attempt End, Score, Out Of, % |
Depending on the Report Type, you can select one or more of the following options to hide or show specific information in the report:
Display class average: Shows the class average for the quiz.
Display score distribution: Shows the score distribution for each question.
Include bonus questions: Shows statistics for Bonus questions.
Show Out Of value: Shows the average point score for each question and how many points each question was out of.
Display Standard Deviation: Shows the standard deviation from the population.
Display Point Biserial
Display Discrimination Index
Display difficulty for each question: Shows the Difficulty level you set when you created each question.
Include text responses: Shows responses for Long Answer Questions.
Display private comments from sections: Shows text entered in the Private Comments field of a quiz Section (folder) or Random Section.
Display McGill ID: Shows the students’ McGill IDs beside their names and in the OrgDefinedId column of exported .csv reports.
Display attempt duration: Shows when the attempt was made, the Time Limit for the quiz, and the Time Spent on the attempt.
Release: These options let you specify when you want users to be able to view the report:
immediately: Select this option to allow users to view the report at any time. This is not recommended if you are releasing a report to students because they will be able to view the report before they have completed the quiz.
specify a date & time: Select the radio button beside the date field and enter an appropriate date and time for users to be able to view the report, such as after the quiz closes.
Release Report To: Select the checkboxes next to the roles you want to release the report to. Make sure to release the report to your own role (e.g. Instructor) or else you will not be able to view the report yourself.
If you are releasing any report type other than Question Statistics, make sure to deselect the checkbox beside Student to ensure you are not releasing confidential information to all of your students.
Click Save.
View quiz reports
On the main Quizzes page, click the arrow beside the name of the quiz and select View Reports.
Click on the name of the report.
If you want the report to only include data from a specific time frame, select the checkbox beside From and/or To and select the dates from the calendar drop-down list.
Click Generate HTML Report to view the report in your browser, or click Generate CSV or Generate Excel to save the report file on your computer.
Delete quiz reports
Deleting a quiz report will not delete any quiz data.
On the main Quizzes page, click on the arrow next to the quiz you want to create a Report for.
Click the Setup Reports button.
Select the checkbox beside each report you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon.
Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
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