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Export final grades from myCourses to Minerva

In this article:

Automatically export final grades from myCourses

If you are using the Grades tool in myCourses, you can export your students' Final Grades directly to Minerva using the Export to Minerva option. In order to do so, you must first associate a compatible Grade Scheme with your Final Adjusted Grade item and then transfer your calculated grades into the Final Adjusted Grade column to ensure a successful export.

Watch the video: Exporting grades to Minerva (Desktop)

If you prefer to selectively export your final grades, see the other section entitled Manually export final grades from myCourses.

  • J and K grades must be entered directly in Minerva

  • You can only export grades from myCourses to Minerva before the final grade submission deadline, set by the department. Any submission after the deadline will need to be done manually in Minerva via the Grade Change form.

Step 1: Setting your final grade scheme

Because Minerva requires a specific format for final grades, you must apply a grade scheme to the Final Adjusted Grade column in your course. The Final Grade - Numeric - 100 to 0 scheme will remove the percentage symbol and decimals from final grades. The Final Grade - Letter schemes will convert numeric grades to an official McGill letter grade scheme.

  1. On the Enter Grades page, click the arrow beside Final Adjusted Grade and select Edit.

  2. From the Grade Scheme drop-down list, select one of the following schemes:

    • Final Grade - Numeric - 100 to 0

    • Final Grade - Letter (Undergrad) - A to F

    • Final Grade - Letter (Graduate) - A to F

  3. Click Save and Close.

Step 2: Transferring your students' final grades

After associating a grade scheme, you must transfer the automatically calculated final grades into the Final Adjusted Grade column. This will convert the grades into a format that is compatible with Minerva.

  1. On the Enter Grades page, click the arrow beside Final Adjusted Grades and select Enter Grades. This will take you to the Final Grades page.

  2. Click the arrow beside the word Final Grades at the top of the page and select Transfer All to copy the Final Calculated Grades into the Final Adjusted Grade column.

    If you want to adjust any final grades, enter a new grade in the first (numerator) column under Final Adjusted Grade.

  3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Step 3: Exporting grades to Minerva

After associating a scheme with the Final Adjusted Grade item and transferring all students' final grades into it, you can export all grades to Minerva.

  1. On the Enter Grades page, click Export to Minerva.

    If you see an error message that says “Grades cannot be exported for this course...”, do the following:

    • On the main Grades page, click Settings in the top right corner of the page.

    • Click the Org Unit Display Options tab.

    • Select the checkbox beside Grade scheme symbol.

    • Click Save and return to the Export to Minerva page.

  2. Verify the grades for all students.

  3. Click the Export All Grades button at the bottom of the page. Note: This button submits all Final Adjusted Grades for all students in the course, unless the course is crosslisted, in which case it only exports the currently selected section.

  4. Wait until all steps are complete and the progress indicators stop spinning.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. (Crosslisted courses only) Select the next Section and repeat the steps above.

If you need to resubmit grades for specific students, or if you are unable to submit grades using this method, see the Manually export final grades from myCourses section of this article.

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Manually export final grades from myCourses

Copying your final grades from myCourses into Minerva requires three steps:

Step 1: Setting your final grade scheme

All decimals must be removed before copying your grades to Minerva. Setting a final grade scheme will automatically remove any decimals from your students’ final grades.

  1. On the main Grades page, click Manage Grades.

  2. Click Final Adjusted Grade at the bottom of the list.

  3. From the Grade Scheme drop-down list, select Final Grade - Numeric - 100 to 0.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Step 2: Exporting your final grades to a spreadsheet

  1. On the main Grades page, click Enter Grades.

  2. Click Export at the top of the page.

  3. On the Export Grades page, select the data you want to export:

    1. Under Export Grade Items for, select All users and click Apply.

    2. Under Key Field, select McGill ID.

    3. Under Grade Values, select Grade Scheme

    4. Under Choose Grades to Export, select Final Adjusted Grade.

  4. Click Export to CSV or Export to Excel.

  5. In the pop-up window that appears, click the exported spreadsheet to save it on your computer.

Step 3: Preparing the exported spreadsheet before copying grades to Minerva

  1. Open the saved file with Excel. There should be no decimal places in the exported data.

    The only two columns required for submitting grades to Minerva are the OrgDefinedID and Adjusted Final Grade Scheme Symbol columns. Delete all other columns.

  2. Remove the # symbol from the OrgDefined ID column:

    1. Select the OrgDefined ID column.

    2. Click Edit > Replace or Find and Select to edit the column.

    3. Enter the # symbol in the Find what field and do not enter anything in the Replace with field. Click Replace All.

    4. Click Close.

  3. Select and copy all the data from the OrgDefinedId and Adjusted Final Grade Scheme Symbol columns. (do not include the column titles.)

  4. Paste the data into Minerva, using the instructions found on the Final Grades form on the Faculty menu. See Enter/modify final grades in Minerva for details on this procedure.

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